Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Terrace Chairs

Hello Jammers! Today's new item is the Terrace Chair,sold in Jam Mart Furniture sold for 400 Gems! Relax in the Summer Sun!

Here is today's DE Post lots of awesome Giraffe Jammer Art!

There are also two new videos one in The Sarepia Theater and on in Tierney's Theater!


There is also another snapshot preview of the Animal Jam Mobile Version!

That wraps it up for today's post,Jam On!

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Terrace Tables

Hello Jammers! Today's new item is the Terrace Table,sold in Jam Mart Furniture sold for 500 Gems! Relax in the summer sun!

Here is today's DE Post a Creature Feature about Echinoderms in other words Starfish!

There is also a new video in Brady's Theater in Lost Temple Of Zios..

That wraps things up for today's post,Jam On!

Monday, 7 July 2014

Fresh New Blog!

Hello Jammers! Its me Suunn AJ! You may have known be from the Animal Jam Planet Daily (Which unfortunately got closed down by a hacker on my account) But anyway I have started a fresh new blog and an awesome design! So be sure to check back tomorrow for the first post on this blog I will be adding gadgets and other pages/Activities so check back tomorrow Jammers! ~ Play Wild!